Placentophagy – A brief look at the history surrounding placenta consumption and a more in depth look at the research and literature available. During this presentation I extrapolate that consuming ones own placenta has the ability to positively impact and aid a Woman’s postpartum period referencing the studies conducted to date. *DISCLAIMER – It is …
Tag: postpartum
Peaceful Postpartum Guide
The postpartum period is such a sacred time in a woman’s life that she will only experience a precious few times. I know when I was pregnant with our first baby I did minimal planning for our postpartum period. By far the majority of my focus was on the impending labour and birth. Having a …
Riding the Wave
Being a new Mum, whether it’s your 1st child or 2nd (or 3rd or 4th I’m sure) carries with it such a freaky rollercoaster of emotions. Sometimes I just want to scream “LET ME OFFFF” and sometimes I just cling on white knuckled for the ride and laugh hysterically. Our old friends ‘sleep deprivation’ and …