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As Beyonce says;

“If we gonna heal, let it be glorious!”

What is the investment?

Once off payment of $333 or 3 x monthly payments of $111

sign me up!

Why is this work so important? ​

How does it benefit you and all of humanity?

Did you know that in the past, long before the rise of the patriarchy, we lived in Goddess Cultures? During these times women were revered for the magic & mysteries we hold in our bodies.

We are the keepers of both life & death, and we cycle through these phases every month alongside the moon, the plants & Mother Earth herself. We are the embodiment of the Great Mother. ​

After the rise of the patriarchy we began to forget. These mysteries were no longer honoured as powerful & important parts of our human existence. Instead they became hidden & shrouded in shame ​in an attempt to dull their power. The patriarchy has been cleverly constructed to disconnect us from the power that lies within our mysteries (scared much?)

So today, it is often that which lives deeply in the shadows, the taboo subjects, that holds the most power & magic. Women are the keepers of birth, death, cycles & blood mysteries. We embody both the light & the dark. Our need is to embrace action AND rest (which goes completely against the patriarchal, linear, masculine ideals of hustle & production).

If we honoured women’s mysteries we would have to face the fact that we are hurting the Earth… which contradicts the capitalist need for more money making opportunities at any cost. The disconnection has become normalized. The constructed shame surrounding our mysteries has led us to forget our rites of passage & our innate cyclic nature. This has ​been both ​directly & indirectly linked to​ the massive rise in depression, mental ​illness, health issues, body image issues, relationship issues, dependency on pharmaceuticals (including sythetic hormones, infertility, fertility treatments etc), birth trauma, post natal depression, peri menopause issues & much more.

Not being connected to who you are at your core as a wild cyclic human means you are dependent on external sources who have a financial agenda. This makes you vulnerable to buying anything they wish to sell you out of both fear & ignorance.

It does NOT have to be this way.

Let’s make a better world for our children, starting with US!



​How much time will I need to get the most out of this Container?

​Lasting change requires repetitive action. It is up to you how deep or shallow you wish to dive, but we feel that 1-2 hours per week (divided up as you see fit) would be ideal. ​But we understand that life in our current world is ‘busy’.

As with most things in life, the further you commit and participate the more integrated the knowledge will become. The beauty of this ​container is that ​you can access your content at any time and as we rebirth through each module you can can come back ​to re explore the magic on a deeper level each time. There are always more layers to unpack.

Do I need any prior knowledge?

Absolutely not! The only prerequisite is that you are a glorious human being who feels the call to deepen their knowledge and connection, and to spread the sweet love, compassion, care and connection.

What is the Refund Policy?

We truly believe in the magic of this ​container and community and its ability to initiate positive life changing results. We are eternal students and practice what we preach. We continue to walk the path of unlearning lifetimes of oppression and integrating this earth-magic wise-woman-wisdom on a daily basis.

Due to the electronic nature of this program, there will be no refunds. All purchases are final. 

​Do I need to be menstruating to join this container?

​No, absolutely not! There are a multitude of reasons that you may not have a menstrual cycle. You may be pregnant or breastfeeding, you may be on hormonal birth control that inhibits your natural cycle, or you may no longer have a physical womb. Even if you aren’t currently bleeding you still experience the energy of your ‘womb space’, and experience and are led by your internal and external seasons and cycles. This course is for you if consider yourself open to deepening your knowledge and spirituality. It is for you if you are looking to connect more deeply to your body, your fellow humans and Mamma Earth and to anchor yourself in a foundation of self nourishment.

This container is for all who identify as a woman or who are non-binary/gender fluid, we do not exclude. However we do discuss in depth the hormones and physiology of an ovarian/uterine cycle so if this is not something you experience or resonate with, this may not ​feel like the community for you.

How long do I have access to ​REturning?

You have ​access to all content and the closed circle facebook group as soon as your initial payment clears, and for as long as REturning exists. 

How do I access ​the content for REturning?

Once you have purchased you will be emailed your login information so you can access the learning platform containing the course content. Please note you will need access to an internet connection to be able to gain access to the course and watch the content.

Who is the REturning Container for?

Anyone who hears the call! Whether you are experienced in understanding and working with your cycles or completely new to these concepts, this container has been designed to meet you wherever you are at on your journey and help you peel away new layers and dive deeper into inner healing and connecting with yourself.

Any other burning questions? I would love to answer them for you! Send through an e-mail or message via Facebook or Instagram Xx

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